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Material Topics

To identify material topics, MPCC in 2021 undertook a comprehensive materiality assessment following the GRI 3 Materiality Standard.

In 2022, these topics were reviewed against stakeholder feedback, peer reporting, market, political and regulatory changes, internal validation exercises, and independent expert opinions. Those topics that are considered material have a significant environmental, social, or economic impact, and are validated by our stakeholders and experts. Our stakeholders include staff, investors, clients, business partners, local communities where we operate, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

We have ongoing and continuous informal and formal interaction with our stakeholders. We see transparent ESG reporting and stakeholder engagement as integral parts of driving positive outcomes. We actively encourage discourse on this report and our ESG performance, including where our performance can be improved.

The following material ESG topics were identified in 2022:

  • GHG emissions
  • Responsible ship recycling
  • Non-GHG emissions and waste
  • Biodiversity
  • Ethical business conduct
  • Data privacy and security
  • Supply chain
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Safety, health, and well-being
  • Training and development

ESG Strategic Framework

Our strategic framework is created for managing our material ESG topics and is linked to how our efforts contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).