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MPC Container Ships ASA acquires own shares


Oslo, 18 March 2019 - MPC Container Ships ASA (the "Company") in the period 28 February 2019 – 15 March 2019 through open market transactions has repurchased 84,016 common shares at an average price of NOK 29.60 per share. Following the transactions, the Company holds a total of 84,016 treasury shares.

The shares were repurchased in accordance with the share buy-back programme announced on 28 February 2019, including the Norwegian Securities Trading Act’s limitation on the number of shares allowed to be acquired. For further information, please refer to the Oslo Stock Exchange notification made on 28 February 2019, available at and the Company’s webpage.

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About MPC Container Ships ASA:

MPC Container Ships ASA (ticker code "MPCC") was formed in April 2017. Its main activity is to own and operate a portfolio of container ships with a focus on the feeder segment between 1,000 and 3,000 TEU. The Company is registered and has its business office in Oslo, Norway.

For more information, please see our webpage:
